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Corporate Social Responsibility

Until fairly recently, most large businesses were driven almost exclusively by a single goal in mind – maximising profits. In the past decades, however, more business leaders have recognised that they have a responsibility to fulfil, which is more than simply maximising profits for shareholders. Rather, they have a social responsibility to do what is best – not just for their companies, but people, the planet, and society at large, according to Harvard Business School.

The Financial Times elaborated that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is widely recognised as an excellent business practice. It is a business method that contributes to sustainable development by offering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.

In Singapore and worldwide, companies are becoming more aware that a focus on CSR activities can give a competitive advantage over other organisations, which think that CSR does not improve their bottom-lines. Many CSR-inclined companies realise that adopting good CSR practices can bring about numerous benefits. These include building a good reputation and enhancing morale among their employees, which results in higher productivity and better performance, thereby attracting more investors.

Many global business leaders have emphasised the importance of CSR in achieving their business goals. For example, Mr Courtney Pratt, one of Canada's most accomplished business executives and former CEO Toronto Hydro, said: “Business has a responsibility beyond its basic responsibility to its shareholders; a responsibility to a broader constituency that includes its key stakeholders: customers, employee, non-profit organisations, government – the people of the communities in which it operates."

As OKP Holdings Limited (OKP) aims to be a respectable corporate citizen, we manage our business in a sustainable way that has an affirmative economic, social and environmental impact on our stakeholders and their environments. We meticulously apply best practices in all our business operations by giving back to society, particularly in offering help to the underprivileged members of the community. The Group gives financial support through sponsorships and donations to various charitable organisations and causes. We also encourage our workforce to be compassionate citizens through volunteering their time and efforts towards worthwhile causes and participating in various fundraising activities.

Supporting Various Charities And Community Organisations

We contribute to the community by participating in fundraising events and philanthropic outreach and through our annual Charities of the Year programme.

In 2023, OKP contributed to 21 organisations. In May 2023, OKP sponsored the Road Engineering Association of Asia and Australasia (REAAA) 119th Governing Council Meeting in Singapore. The aim of REAAA, which has members from over 20 countries, is to promote sharing of technologies, ideas and professional knowledge among the road fraternity.

Other recipients include Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Pte Ltd, World Children's Fund HK Ltd, Tunnelling and Underground Construction Society (Singapore), The Singapore Contractors Association-Lu Ban Hall, Pasir Ris East Zone Community Club, Or Kim Peow-Nanyang Hwu Clan, Disabled People's Association, National University Heart Centre, People's Association Chong Pang Community Club, and 11 temples. We have also supported some of these organisations in the past years.

In 2022, we made donations to the Land Transport AuthorityInternational Association of Public Transport Singapore Congress and Exhibition, Malay Youth Literary Association, and Promiseland Community Services Lifeblood Centre.

In the past, we had provided financial support to various charities and community organisations, which target different sectors as follows:

Youth and children

Singapore Children's Society's 1000 Enterprises for Children-in-need Project, Dyslexia Association of Singapore, Students Care Service, Teen Challenge Singapore, Playeum Ltd, (a charitable centre which seeks to nurture the next generation of innovators) and Halogen Foundation Singapore (a not-for-profit institution dedicated to youth leadership).

Humanitarian causes

Relief (Singapore's leading independent disaster relief agency), and Singapore Red Cross.

Healthcare and disadvantaged

Adventist Nursing & Rehabilitation Centre, The Singapore Association for the Deaf, Ang Mo Kio-Thye Hua Kwan Hospital, Singapore Heart Foundation, Community Chest (National Council of Social Service fundraising supporting the disadvantaged in society), Handicaps Welfare Association, Kidney Dialysis Foundation, Leukemia & Lymphoma Foundation, Yellow Ribbon Fund, and Casa Raudha Women Home (which aims to provide a temporary refuge for victims of injustice and domestic violence).


Pasir Ris East Zone Community Club (Marathon Ekiden Charity Run), Tampines Changkat Consultative Committee (Festive Wishes Come True event), Caritas Singapore (social and community arm of the Catholic Church in Singapore), Nanyang Technological University's Computer Science and Engineering Club (overseas community projects), Chee Hoon Kog Moral Promotion Society (which accepts non-paying residents), and People's Association Community Centres/Clubs building fund.


Singapore Contractors Association-Singapore Business Federation Foundation (SBF) Compassion Fund (help the construction sector with temporary relief to ease financial difficulties of construction companies during Covid-19 pandemic), Association of Small and Medium Enterprises-SBF Foundation Compassion Fund for Migrant Workers (provide these workers with support and assistance during Covid-19 pandemic), and Tagore Business Association.


Singapore Gymnastics.


Singapore Buddhist Lodge's building fund.

The Group also sponsored activities organised by various organisations such as schools, religious and grassroots organisations, and the Community Development Council. We also sponsored numerous fundraising golf tournaments such as those for the Pertapis Education and Welfare Centre, Tentera Diraja Mosque, National University of Singapore's Building & Estate Management Alumni, Land Transport Authority, Tunnelling and Underground Construction Society (Singapore), and Ngee Soon Group Representation Constituency. In addition, OKP also sponsored the Singapore Institute of Building Limited's movie event.

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