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- China Sonangol International Limited, Fung Yuen Kwan Veronica, Lo Fong Hung, Newtech Holdings Limited, New Bright International
Development Limited and Sonangol E.P. are each deemed to be interested in the shares held by CS International (S) Pte. Ltd. by virtue of
Section 7 of the Companies Act 1967.
- Or Kim Peow is deemed to have an interest in the 168,566,910 shares held by Or Kim Peow Investments Pte. Ltd. by virtue of Section 7 of
the Companies Act 1967.
Twenty Largest Shareholders
(As at 7 March 2024)

Rule 723 Of The SGX Listing Manual - Free Float
Based on the information provided to the Company as at 7 March 2024, there were approximately 89,107,084 shares
held in the hands of the public as defined in the SGX Listing Manual, representing 29.03% of the total number of issued
shares (excluding treasury shares) of the Company. Accordingly, Rule 723 of the SGX Listing Manual has been complied