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Persons Occupying Managerial Positions Who Are Related To A Director Or Chief Executive Officer Or Substantial Shareholder

BackJan 09, 2004

Name Age Family relationship with any Director, Chief Executive Office and/or Substantial Shareholder Current position and duties, and the year the position was first held Details of changes in duties and position held, if any, during the year
Or Kim Peow 69 Father of Or Toh Wat and Or Kiam Meng. Uncle of Oh Enc Nam. Group Chairman

He is responsible for overseeing the overall management and strategic development of the Group.

Position held since 2002.
Or Toh Wat 36 Son of Or Kim Peow. Brother of Or Kiam Meng Group Managing Director

He is responsible for setting the Group's corporate directions and strategies, and overseeing day-to-day management and business development of the Group.

Position held since 2002.
Ang Beng Tin 49 Ms Ang Beng Tin and Mr Or Kim Peow are living in the same household as husband and wife Group Administration and Human Resource Director

She is responsible for managing employee relations, benefit programmes and insurance claims.

Position held since 2002.
Or Kiam Meng 40 Son of Or Kim Peow. Brother of Or Toh Wat Executive Director

He is responsible for overseeing the daily site management and operations of Or Kim Peow Contractors (Private) Limited.

Position held since 2002.
Oh Enc Nam 49 Nephew of Or Kim Peow Executive Director

He is responsible for the day-to-day management and the overall operations of Eng Lam Contractors Co (Pte) Ltd.

Position held since 2002.